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崭新毛主义油管(英汉对照)频道开播了(2022-06-16更新) [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2022-6-17 11:50:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 无套裤汉 于 2022-6-18 11:42 编辑


Rai 01-08 第一集第八雷我对 2021 年 1 月 6 日起义事件与委员会或民主党的看法截然不同.是起义群众控制了这场运动及其领导人——特朗普成为他们的追随者.人们对假民主失望、愤慨和公开抵制是主要原因。


劳动人民面临的紧迫任务是组织广泛而纪律严明的民兵,以迫使资本退出政治,确立人民主权,实施真正的新民主主义革命。该委会充其量是一个检讨 9 月11日偷袭事件风格的委员会(或更坏的是麦卡锡风格的委员会,其角色包括“法官、陪审团、检察官,谴责者和新闻代理人)和听证会,资本家想要挥舞武器,企图虚张声势,旨在恐吓人们解除武装和投降。他们失败了,因为人们不惧怕死亡;你瞧,骄傲男孩和守誓者都不是资本家所谓的极端分子,而是潜在的典型民兵,决心推翻资本主义独裁统治,而人民决心为自己的社区而战。“在特朗普总统任期内,反当权派取向的作用与传统的左右身份认同和意识形态无关。”事实上,当权派本身就是资本;用委婉的术语来说,反当权派意味着反资本。毛主席将当权派或当权者集团称为走资派——表现出明显倾向屈服于资产阶级势力的压力并随后试图将革命拉向资本主义方向的人或团体。


Watch a new English/Chinese Maoist Channel (updated edition 06/16/2022)

Rai 01-08 My Opinion about the Jan. 6th, 2021 Uprising is Radically Different

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD_lSLHa07c
Dispaly Time: 15:48

People's disappointment of, indignation at and open resistance to the fake Democracy has been the main reason that the Jan. 6th movement broke out in the first place. The Jan. 6 committee – a September-Eleventh-styled committee at the best (or a McCarthy-styled committee whose role include "judge, jury, prosecutor, castigator, and press agent, all in one" doing its worst.) What Donald Trump has been doing is to correct the mistakes of hypocrisy of capitalist rule and the people's loss of trust in it. His approach is “to distrust but verify.” (Recall Reagan's motto: "Trust but verify.") To sum up, I recall IBG YBG (in finance, see: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/IBG_YBG) Initialism of I'll be gone, you'll be gone (I'll have gotten my commission; you'll have sold out to the next guy; neither of us will be held accountable.) Paraphrasing Liz Cheney, IBG YBG (in politics) Initialism of I'll be gone, you'll be gone (I'll have gotten my comeuppance; you'll have sold out to the next capitalist; neither of us will be held accountable.) [Mark Wain 06-13-2022]

Visit the following site for the full text of the Rai 01-06 subtitles:


Comments and replies:

Hhpp Yyuu 1 hour ago
I thought it was a music program at the beginning. Why there was no any real person as a reader or host? I don't think Trump himself would have realized what he was done on 1/6 as a movement of anti-capitalism in US.

随想轻雷 Mark's soft thunder replied 1 second ago
Thank you for your comment. Trump, being a capitalist, couldn't think what he did meant different things for people with different viewpoints and/or social status from his. Anyhow, the fact remains that he has done unknowingly a favor to a new democratic revolution in the making. [Mark Wain June 17, 2022]

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