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帝国主义的第二个世纪 —— 新自由主义“全球化”与垄断资本的永恒战争 ...

2017-9-22 23:33| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 5301| 评论: 0|原作者: Antonio Tujan Jr. |来自: 激流网

摘要: 如果说帝国主义的第一个世纪开始于19世纪中期,见证了国际卡特尔(cartel)的诞生,势力范围的划分,以及列宁所描述的侵略战争和殖民主义,那么帝国主义的第二个世纪则开始于第二次世界大战和战后的经济复兴——在这一过程中,美帝国主义在军事和经济上取得了巨大成功。


[1]本节大量参考了哈利•马格多夫(Harry Magdoff)1969年出版的《帝国主义时代》(The Age of Imperialism)。【译者注】哈利•马格多夫(1913~2006),又名亨利•萨缪尔•马格多夫(Henry Sameul Magdoff),美国著名社会主义评论家,富兰克林•罗斯福总统在位期间担任多项政府领导职位,后成为马克思主义刊物《每月评论》(Monthly Review)的共同主编之一。

[2] Magdoff, Harry. The age of imperialism: The economics of US foreign policy. Vol. 21. NYU Press, 1969.

[3] Nelson, Joan M. 1968. Aid, Influence and Foreign Policy. New York: Macmillan.

[4]Eichengreen, Barry. 2011. Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[5]Ranis, Gustav et al. 1974. Sharing in Development: A programme of employment, equity and growth in the Philippines. Geneva: International Labor Office.

[6]Duménil, Gérard and Dominque Levy. 2004. Capital Resurgent: Roots of Neoliberal Revolution. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

[7]Steger, Manfred B. and Ravi K. Roy. 2010. Neoliberalism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[8] Lensink, Robert. 1996. Structural Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

[9] Williamson, John. 1989. “What Washington Means by Policy Reform.” In John Williamson (ed.). Latin American Readjustment: How Much Has Happened. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics.

[10] Humphreys, David. 2011. “Environmental Accountability and Transnational Corporations.” In Brendon Gleeson and Nicholas Low (eds.). Governing for the Environment: Global Problems, Ethics and Democracy. New York: Palgrave.

[11] Khor, Martin. 1997. “Trade and Investment: Fighting over investors’ rights at WTO.” SUNS bulletin. Geneva: Third World Network.

[12]在此之前已有人使用“全球化”一词,但通常认为这一概念是西奥多•莱维特(Theodore Levitt【译者注】哈佛商学院资深教授,现代营销学奠基人之一)于1983年发表在《哈佛经济评论》(Harvard Business Review)五六月刊上的文章《市场全球化》(Globalization of Market)首先提出的。

[13]Tujan, Antonio. 1996 June. “APEC and Globalization.” People’s Policy and Advocacy Studies: Special Release. Quezon City: IBON Foundation.

[14] Tujan, Antonio and Pio Versola. 2013. Prospects for the Global Crisis: 2013 Report on the International Situation. Quezon City: IBON International

[15] Tujan, Antonio and Pio Versola. 2013. Prospects for the Global Crisis: 2013 Report on the International Situation. Quezon City: IBON International.

[16]Haldane, Andrew. 2015. “How Low Can You Go?” Speech delivered at the Portadown Chamber of Commerce. Northern Ireland.http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Pages/speeches/2015/840.aspx.

[17]英国千禧年债务运动组织(Jubilee Debt Campaign)2017年数据。



帝国主义的第二个世纪: 新自由主义“全球化”与垄断资本的永恒战争-激流网(作者:Antonio Tujan Jr. 本文为激流网翻译首发,如有转载,请注明出处。责任编辑:邱铭珊








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